Catalyzing Wealth for Change

about impact investment
Impact investments are investments made in companies and funds with the intention to generate measurable social and/or environmental impact, alongside financial return. They can span various asset classes, geographies, themes, and instruments. Examples of themes are affordable housing and healthcare; access to education, financial services, and sanitation; and sustainable agriculture and environmental conservation.
To learn more, download an extract from the Guide, Part I: An Introduction to Impact Investing
why it is important
It is widely recognized that impact investing is critical to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, by effectively addressing social and environmental challenges through its ability to leverage capital markets and complement public resources and philanthropy efforts toward achieving sustainable outcomes. Impact investing helps harness the entrepreneurial spirit and resourcefulness of business, directing it toward developing systemic, sustainable, and scalable solutions to critical societal problems.
growing interest among investors
Private, institutional, and corporate investors around the world, as well as their advisers, are increasingly drawn toward investments that not only generate financial returns, but also benefit people and the planet. This trend is underpinned by the growing recognition of the scale and urgency of global challenges, the critical role of private capital in addressing them, and a paradigm shift toward models that harness the entrepreneurial spirit and resourcefulness of business, directing it toward developing systemic, sustainable, and scalable solutions to urgent societal problems. Increasingly, families are also using impact investing as a way by which to reach their personal and strategic objectives, be they finding their own productive place in society, strengthening family cohesion and culture, developing future-proof businesses, or facilitating wealth-with-values transfer.
"How money is invested today is crucial for what the world will look like tomorrow"
Queen Maxima of the Netherlands
relevance of this guide
In spite of the growing interest in impact investing, many investors, philanthropists and their advisers find it difficult to develop pragmatic, successful strategies, often not knowing where or how to start. Catalyzing Wealth For Change is a comprehensive, practice-oriented manual, capable of helping aspiring impact investors not only to understand the field, but to become engaged in it in a meaningful way, navigating its complexities with success. It is based on the author's extensive hands-on experience in advising wealth holders and wealth managers on impact investing, the success of her first Guide to Impact Investing, published in 2011, and over 160 in-depth interviews with leading impact investors around the world. This project was supported by the Swiss Government (SECO), RVVZ and DOEN foundations, and a European philanthropic family.
“The Guide is simply the bible of impact investing..." Read More
Luca Rancilio, Rancilio Cube Family Office
“A must read for all investors and advisers who want to be relevant in the future..." Read More
Herman Wijffels, Dutch economist, professor, University of Utrecht
“The Guide is the ultimate reference tool on impact investing..." Read More
Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, State Secretary of Switzerland